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Rimuovere i plugin da VMware vCenter Server

Paolo Caparrelli VMware 22 June 2022

Removing unwanted plug-ins from vCenter Server (1025360)


  • You are unable to remove plug-ins from the vSphere Client.
  • You see the error:

    vCenter {Plugin Name} Disabled {Plugin Name} vCenter plugin The following error occurred while downloading the script plugin from https:///vmware/Plugin-NamePlugin.xml:Invalid URI: The host name could not be parsed.

  • Even though you uninstalled plug-ins from the Windows machine on which vCenter Server is running, you still see them in the Plug-in Manager in the vSphere Client.


When using third-party management products for vCenter Server, these plug-ins appear in the Available Plug-ins list. Some of these products may not have an uninstaller to remove the entry under Available Plug-ins.
This article provides the steps to remove the unwanted plug-ins from the Available Plug-ins list.


If you have vCenter Server in linked mode, perform this procedure on the vCenter Server that is used to install the plug-in initially, then restart the vCenter Server services on the linked vCenter Server.

To resolve this issue, you have to remove unwanted plug-ins from the Available Plug-ins list.

To remove unwanted plug-ins from the Available Plug-ins list:
  1. In a web browser, navigate to http://vCenter_Server_name_or_IP/mob.

    Where vCenter_Server_name_or_IP/mob is the name of your vCenter Server or its IP address.

  2. Click Content.
  3. Click ExtensionManager.
  4. Select and copy the name of the plug-in you want to remove from the list of values under Properties. For a list of default plug-ins, see the Additional Information section of this article.
  5. Click UnregisterExtension. A new window appears.
  6. Paste the name of the plug-in and click Invoke Method. This removes the plug-in.
  7. Close the window.
  8. Refresh the Managed Object Type:ManagedObjectReference:ExtensionManager window to verify that the plug-in is removed successfully.
Note: If the plug-in still appears, you may have to restart the vSphere Client.

Additional Information

Default vSphere extensions

Extension Name Service Description
com.vmware.vim.eam vSphere ESX Agent Manager
com.vmware.vim.inventoryservice vCenter Inventory Service
com.vmware.vim.ls Licensing Services
com.vmware.vim.sms VMware vCenter Storage Monitoring Service
com.vmware.vim.sps VMware vSphere Profile-drive Storage Service
com.vmware.vim.stats.report Performance charts built-in extension
com.vmware.vim.stats.vsm Service Manager
cim-ui vCenter Hardware Status
health-ui vCenter Service Status
hostdiag Internal extension to declare diagnostic events from VMware Host systems
VirtualCenter VirtualCenter dynamic events and tasks
com.vmware.orchestrator VMware vRealize Orchestrator plugin (formerly known as VMware vCenter Orchestrator plugin)
com.vmware.rbd Auto Deploy
com.vmware.syslog VMware Syslog Collector Configuration
com.vmware.vcDr VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Extension
com.vmware.vcHms vSphere Replication Management (VRM)
com.vmware.vcIntegrity VMware vSphere Update Manager Extension
com.vmware.vShieldManager vShield Manager
vCloud Director-1 vCloud Director
com.vmware.vcops vRealize Operations Manager (formerly known as vCenter Operations Manager)
com.vmware.vadm VMware vRealize Infrastructure Navigator (formerly known as vCenter Infrastructure Navigator)
com.vmware.vdp vSphere Data Protection 5.1
vSphere Data Protection 5.5/5.8
com.vmware.heartbeattasks vCenter Server Heartbeat

For more information, see SDK Managed Object Browser (568529).

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